Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Stories About Walmart: Post 4

      I didn't really care working for Walmart after a while. It was a job getting me started in life. My coworkers were awesome. A couple little oddballs in there but those were the people that made work fun.
      The person that didn't make work fun though was the other night manager, we'll call her Kay. I was okay with her in the beginning but as time went on, it was like I was her personal target. I mean she did that to everyone but it seemed like she leaned on me the most. Every time I turned around, she was on my case about something and practically breathing down my neck.
      She almost made me cry once because I was late from my break. You see, there are a lot of smokers at Walmart. I don't know if working at Walmart is their reason behind their smoking habits but it's pretty sad seeing a whole group of them hanging out in the 30 degree weather smoking their death sticks. It's almost like high school, when you walk by a group of people and they all of a sudden stop talking as if they were just talking about you. That's what it feels like. Don't get me wrong though, even though they smoke, some people are really cool normal people. But it made me laugh every once in a while because seeing them all lined up against the wall, made them look like the emo kids back in school.
      But anyways, the normal break time we're given is 15 minutes. Sometimes we get away with 20 minutes because the smokers like to squeeze one last cig in before going back to work. But god forbid if the non-smokers go over the 15 minutes. You see, if they don't get to have a break over 15 minutes, you can't. Especially if you don't smoke, cause you know smoking his important and all.
      I however, do the best I can to have a 15 minute break. But one day, I was taking my break in the break room and I ended up chatting to a coworker. It was a topic that I felt passionately about and just couldn't leave the conversation. So I had finally noticed my 15 minutes was up but I was still under 20 minutes. So I thought I was going to be okay. NOT. Kay had been watching electronics during my breaks because I was security in electronics that night.
      So I all of a sudden heard Kay calling me back over to electronics just as I was on my way over there anyways. I knew immediately I was probably going to get an ass chewing for being literally like two minutes late.
      "Where have you been?" she slightly yelled at me.
      "I'm sorry, I just got caught up in a conversation," I quickly said.
      "That's not an excuse."
      "I'm sorry," I said even faster.
      I was sort of dumbfounded on what to say because I didn't want to cause any trouble and I sincerely did not mean to go over my 15 minutes. So all I could blurt out was I'm sorry.
      I just wanted to cry because of how she had said that to me and I was mad because it was okay for her to get 20 minute breaks but if I get two minutes past 15, I'm going to get bitched at. Yeah, that seems fair. I was absolutely infuriated with show she was treating me.

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