Monday, December 7, 2009


Man it's been forever since I've been on here. Well so far things are going good as you can tell. :))

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Daily Post

I finally deleted all those damn videos on YouTube except for the newest ones which I was told those were fine to leave up. This is so retarded! I hope those damn bitches are happy... That's like a part of my soul ripped away from me. This is so stupid! Uuuuuggghhh.... I hate people some days. >:-((

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Another Daily Post

I was bored when I took this picture.

Daily Post

Check out this baby picture I drew! Don't ask me who it is because I don't know.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Daily Post

Man, it's been forever since I've been on here. Well, a lot has happened between now and the last post. Let's just say that most of it is good stuff, thank the good lord. But it's also been very hectic but sort of in a good way.

Any who, I'm not doing much today. Just hanging out with my brother and surfing the web here and there. Halloween was okay, could have been better though but I'll accept it. Staying with the family is the most important thing to me.

The game on Friday was fun. Although the only thing that sucked was the camera and my parents getting mad at me but I really do hope they know I'm sorry. But all in all, it was a good night I suppose. :)

Monday, October 19, 2009

Daily Post

Today just hasn't been a good day. I'm always hopeful something will turn it around but it's very unlikely.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Daily Post

Aren't these a bunch of weird asses?

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Daily Post

Good luck my beautiful mom at your appointment today! I love you!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Daily Post

Oy, it's been quite a month. Homecoming was here and now it's gone. Here's our special goose, which is our Honker.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Daily Post

Horrible week ever. I'm surprised I even survived it. I'm going to get myself some ice cream.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Daily Post

Finally a day to relax. It's been a hectic week I thought would never end! Here's a pretty picture for your enjoyment.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Daily Post

My god, it's already almost Thursday and I feel like I just went through a wind storm. Things are a little better this week. But not until today. Yes, I'm letting one or two things bother me because that's who I am and they may not be important to you but to me it's pretty important. I'm just going to say this now: people are stupid. There are very few actually decent people out there but the rest of them are just dumb asses. They need to grow some balls and grow up.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Is This Stupid or is it Just Me?

The title basically describes the picture. I've been having a conniption fit with this smart ass for a week and a half, almost two. She can't seem to get over herself and be nice to other people including me. She's been treating me like crap for something I didn't intentionally do. It was an accident and I'm ready to move on but her dumb ass attitude is bursting my ego and I'm pretty close to smacking her upside the head. Don't blame me, blame my dad on that one. I shouldn't have been a so called 'friend' and just left myself out of it and see what would happen if she didn't get the help she needed. I'm trying not to let her bother me but it's hard to do that when she tells me she's going to kill me. Well, if she doesn't watch it she's going to be put into jail with 24 kids and abducted by Mexicans. I was only trying to help her and what I got back is something I don't deserve. I'm human, and humans make mistakes. She can be mad at me all she wants, but it's only going to be her who's suffering and still not over it because she's a smart ass know-it-all. Her life is going to be a living hell for the rest of her life and it's not my fault. She chose the path that she's on now and hopefully she'll grow up and realize that I tried helping her. And boy will she be sorry and on her knees thanking me, but I'll be in Seattle ignoring her....

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Car Show! That was on August 14th...

This was at the car show on the 14th of August. It was sort of cool, but I still don't think that I'm entirely into that stuff...

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Daily Post

I don't really have a lot to say right now but the only thing I can say is that I'm really stressed out and really don't want to be in school anymore...

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Daily Post

I hate that everyone is dissing Lady Gaga. If she wants to expose herself that's her problem. She hasn't done anything wrong that I know of and her music is great so she's good in my book.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Me and Alisha's Sleep Over!!

Yes, we were very crazy people that morning lol

Sunday, August 2, 2009


This school year, I'm planning to do a video on giving out free hugs. We will be counting how many we hug and inspire others to do the same thing just to show the love that people really do have. If we get enough, we will hand it on over to YouTube. :D

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Check This Out!

This is my aunt Chris who thinks I'm weird. But looking at this picture she's really a sarcastic women from hell some days. Well she's a funny person anyway and I love her.

Is This Stupid or is it Just Me?

Okay my eye doctor told me I would get my contacts two weeks when I had my appointment and that was about a month ago now. And today I'm finally getting my contacts! FINALLY! God it drives my nuts when they don't listen to themselves speak. This is the second time they've done this with my contacts. I'm starting to wonder if they're really what the call "professionals".

Saturday, July 25, 2009


My cousin Ryan came to my Grandma's house this week and we basically hung out over there all week and on Thursday we went to Round Table which was really fun. My other cousins Thane and Emmaline came over because my aunt and mom and dad are going to a high school reunion. So it's been an interesting week lol but good nonetheless. :D

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Birthday Pics!

Isn't that a lovely picture at the top?

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Happy Birthday to Everyone and Me!!!!!!!

Today is my 17th birthday! Crazy that I'm that old. Feels like just yesterday I was starting preschool. Speaking of preschool, I also want to wish Mrs. Junie a happy birthday today! Also my amazing Grandma, happy birthday to you! :D Also happy birthday to Will Farrell! And happy birthday to Nick and Tim where ever you are in the country! It's crazy that we all share the same birthday! I hope you all have an awesome birthday my fellow summer babies and July 16th babies! :D I'm sure I'll have pics up later of me and Gram on our special day. Till then, here's a pic of a couple years ago of me and Gram on our birthday. Now that's what I call a birthday right there..... :D

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Daily Post

Hey there, still very tired because I didn't really have a comfortable sleep last night. But anyway, my Dad is going to New Jersey on Monday and sadly he won't be here on my birthday week or my birthday. But I understand that he has a job to do, it's just that I feel like I'm slipping away from him and I'm not as close as I once was with him. And it's also sad to see that over the years, he's become a happy guy, into a very stressed person. Through my eyes, there's been a big change. But I still love him. I wish that both my parents would not give me the Oooo and Ahhh whenever I say that. Cause I really do love him, and for me it's hard to talk to my Dad as I've gotten older. Half of it is cause my Dad likes to rush things and tells me to hurry up when I tell him something. To me it feels like he's not listening to me and doesn't want to take the time. But anyhow, I love you Dad, and I can say that as slow as I want on here. As well as you Mom. Almost 17 years of hard work.... yikes.....

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Daily Post

The World Premiere of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince was today and I have an awesome pic for you guys to see. Which is right above lol! As you can see they are soaking wet most likely because of the awful rain they've been getting in London. But all in all, they still look great :))

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Lady Gaga Photo Finished!

My Lady Gaga picture is complete! Enjoy! :))

Daily Post

Rupert Grint, who portrays Ron Weasley in the Harry Potter series, contracted a mild form of swine flu in Britain but is expected to get better before the world premiere of the sixth installment of Harry Potter and will continue to film on the last movie. Get well soon Rupert!

Friday, July 3, 2009

What do I Think about the Month of July??

What do I think when it comes to the month of July? Well it's my birthday of course! On July 16, I will be 17 years of age! Crazy! It feels just like yesterday when I was being brought into this crazy mortifying world.... lol! If you think about it, I'm almost two decades old!! That's scary..... it'll go by so fast though. Anyway, the picture above is just a piece of artwork that I thought was really beautiful. Couldn't pass it up, so I put it on here. :))

Happy 4th of July Everyone!!!

Happy 4th of July!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Check This Out!

Check out this pic I made! Pretty awesome isn't it? Lol! I like the poster look.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Daily Post

Okay, even though I am not a Michael Jackson fan, I would still like for prayers to be sent out to his family. As well as Farrah Fawcett who has died from a long battle with cancer. To me I believe she won the battle by standing up to the disease and trying to look and be positive. May they rest in peace.....


Monday, June 22, 2009

Daily Post

My brother took this picture of himself to show his friends supposedly. Very fancy isn't it? Don't know what the make up is for but it's doing wonders for the bags under his eyes! :)

Friday, June 19, 2009

Daily Post

Going to my grandma's house today! Doesn't she look hot!??! Giggity Giggity Goo! Alright!!

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Daily Post

I seriously need to start writing again lol! I stopped writing for a while but I don't know why so I'm going to start up writing again cause I want to get somewhere with it. And this is a picture of me being silly. This is the "What did you say MOM?" look. :]

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Forgot to Mention

School has been out for almost a week now and being home for the summer feels great! I can't believe I'm going to be a Junior this year... I'm starting to tease my mom that I'm going to be a SENIOR next year. LOL! I love you mom! I'll always be your baby girl :)) And I'll always look like your baby girl too :))

Picture of the Day

I didn't really want to put a picture of me on here but it was the newest picture I had. So I just put it on here lol! I was just bored one night and I decided to take a picture of myself....

Daily Post

Alright.... I finally have all youtube videos on youtube! It's finally finished and you can go check them out now at youtube or go to my profile on youtube which is JuwaPewaGirl. I hope you enjoy!

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Check This Out!

I feel somewhat better now..... lol!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Another Daily Post

Picture of the day! I had corn rows on my head today! Thanks Alisha! Loves you lots girlie! :))

Daily Post

Got some awesome vids for you to watch. Just go to

Thanks :))

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Daily Post

Wow, it's been forever since I've been on here... Anyway it's been an interesting week. My friends and I filmed a dragon shitting itself and it hanging itself. And then I just decided to film my friends for the rest of the week. In the morning, at lunch, and then after school and even in the classroom sometimes. Let me just say this about the video to sum it all up... my friends are hilarious!!!!!!!! Lol!!!! I'll put the videos up soon. Thank you for the wait!

And sorry I haven't been updating lately. I've been doing review testing at school. Last week of school by the way! I'm so excited to get out of this hell hole! Lol!!! XD

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Daily Post

Had a good day. Went for a go kart drive and then visited my grandma. And here is a picture of a flower I drew on my leg...

Saturday, May 23, 2009

New YouTube Video!

This is just me and my friends goofing around at my school cafeteria in the morning. Lol!!!

Almost got a New Video up on YouTube

I almost have a new video up on YouTube and it's basically it's just me and my friends goofing around at school. As soon as I get it up I will put the link up on here. :))

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Daily Post

I'm so mad right now, I don't even know where to begin.... there's this kid at my school who is so freakin stupid about politics. WHO F!@#ING CARES!!!!!!!! But the main thing that made me mad was he thinks that there shouldn't be gay marriages and that they should go f@#$ themselves and I happen to have a gay family member so I....... was.......... pissed........ I told him just because you're a damn redneck and your dad wears overalls everyday doesn't mean that you're smart. You don't know what the hell you're talking about and one day you're ganna get your ass whooped so hard I wouldn't be surprised if it was me kickin your ass. I told him to watch his mouth cause someone is ganna hurt him and he's ganna get it. Ohhh man, I wanted to slap him so hard....... just to see if his brain would fall out cause he's so stupid.....

Sunday, May 17, 2009

I'm Soooo ANNOYED!

My good god. I put those videos of mine of me and my brother on YouTube and it started a damn stir between me and his boyfriend....

His boyfriend got pissed at me just cause I "humiliated" him and my brother. My brother said he didn't mind having it on YouTube but he was a little embarrassed but he didn't care. His boyfriend was still pissed at me and my brother told him it was alright. He started to calm down and then was okay with it. Then I put a note on my pen pal profile on Interpals and he texted me asking me what my problem was. Now he's pissed about that. So I was so pissed and annoyed, I just deleted the whole damn thing.


Saturday, May 16, 2009

Daily Post

Not much going on today. Might go go-karting tomorrow.... It'll be the first time in a long time that I went go-karting :)))

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Extended: Is This Stupid or is it Just Me?

I am a genius!!!! Jon and Kate are heading down break up road! I win!!!! God I really thought they were a good family in the beginning but now..... they suck! Bunch of cheating a**holes! GROW UP JON AND KATE! BECOME SOME PARENTS AND THINK OF YOUR KIDS NOT YOUR FREAKIN SELVES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! A TWO YEAR OLD COULD HOLD A BETTER RELATIONSHIP THEN YOU TWO!!! GROW UP!

Thank you :))))))) I feel better now hehe :)))))

Hilarious Video on YouTube

Watch the whole thing! I laughed my a$$ off...... and usually when I try to find funny stuff on YouTube, it's not very funny but this really got my attention........

Go to


Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Is This Stupid or is it Just Me?

Once again with tabloids saying the now Kate Gosslin was being caught cheating with her bodyguard is now surfacing the world wide web. Honestly I wouldn't be surprised if she was doing her bodyguard. I'm more suspicious about Kate rather than Jon. Sarcastically speaking, that is. I think people are overreacting about the whole thing. They're just an average family with issues like everyone else in the world. They may be a little whacko in the head but that's what you get when you add mentos and soda. Gosh it's entertaining to watch these people destroy their poor kids lives.....

Daily Post

I'd like to give a moment of silence to my second grade teacher, Mrs. Bishop, who passed away from a long battle of cancer and may now rest in peace. She was a very dear teacher to me and one of my favorite teachers who I will always remember forever. Without her, I wouldn't have gotten as far as I am now.


Sunday, May 10, 2009

Daily Post

I just read that Kate Winslet and Leonardo DiCaprio are helping the last Titanic survivor by giving her a fund of $30,000. I think that is awesome! Go Kate and Leo!

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Is This Stupid or is it Just Me?

They were talking about baby names on yahoo as one of the top stories, and guess what name was one of the popular ones? Miley Cyrus! People..... who would want to name their child after a wanna-be porn star? Imagine that kid going to school one day and then that kids friends makes fun of her just cause' she has the name of a psychotic hyper thinks-she's-sexy Disney channel porn star. I feel bad for that kid already. I mean I used to think that Miley was cool, but after the third or so time she was caught taking pictures of herself, I was like that's it..... I think we all know who needs to grow up......

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Daily Post

What a mentally busy day! I'm so ready for summer! Tired of boys too. Funny thing happened over the weekend, seventeen seniors got busted for doing drugs at prom. I hope they learn their lesson. Plus, they won't be walking at the graduation ceremony. LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, May 4, 2009

Daily Post

Hello there! It was an okay day here today. Weird but I guess it was alright. Still hoping that the school year would end already. Thinking about looking for another boyfriend to love but I don't know yet.......

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Is This Stupid or is it Just Me?

Ok this is really weird. Mrs. Obama, bought $540 sneakers.... big deal. Mind you, this is off of the top stories page of yahoo news. Who cares if she bought $540 pair of shoes! Let me know when she buys a freakin whale and puts it in the backyard of the white house. I'm ready for that piece of news!

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Daily Post

Crazy day! People fighting, getting in accidents, and more fighting! Don't really know what to say about this one except that I'm tired of it. O_o

Friday, May 1, 2009

Daily Post

Got a nice story to tell you all. I don't know why but I decided to look up turrets disease. One, it was pretty funny; I'm not going to lie. Two, it's also sad cause it's embarrassing and it effects people's lives every day. Go to You Tube and check out Teenage Turrets Camp. Interesting I have to say. And yes, I must warn you now that it is funny at some parts but it still teaches you that the disease humiliates the person. Also watch contagious laughs. That will turn that frown upside down on that chick in the picture above. :))

Is This Stupid or is it Just Me?

LONDON – Queen Elizabeth II was at home at Windsor Castle, the sentries who guard her were on duty, and the large park surrounding the magnificent building was full of tourists on a Sunday afternoon. So it didn't take long for people to realize that something was out of order when an inebriated couple arrived from a nearby restaurant and began having sex on a grass bank outside the castle, according to witnesses.

"One window from the guardroom opened up and when a soldier saw what was going on he told his mates — and lots of windows opened up," witness Mark Robinson told The Sun newspaper.

"The couple did not care who was looking and just kept going as if they were in their own bedroom."

Japanese tourists filmed the couple, who only stopped when police officers arrived on the scene, witnesses said.

Thames Valley Police said the man and woman were arrested and given a written warning about outraging public decency.

The queen was in the castle at the time, but her office declined Friday to comment about what had happened.

-Yahoo odd news

This is really stupid..... I mean who would do that in public??? You'ld have to be really h**** to do something like that. And the really stupid thing is is that the Japanese people started videotaping it. It's like the Japanese just said, "Oh look, free p**n!" Once again people: grow up. Not to mention that's probably really unsanitary for them. I hope they learn their lesson by getting grass burns......

Thursday, April 30, 2009

New Section: Is this Stupid or is it Just Me?

God, honestly I think this is really stupid. I thought they were cool before but when I found out about Jon going around doing things he shouldn't be doing aggghhh..... I think his last string finally got pulled with his wife and decided to party with a bunch of 20-year-olds. I think they really need to grow up and grow a pair.... it's that stupid. They really do seem like a great couple even though he's a laid back kind of person and she's a complete germaphobe train wreck and a so called "perfectionist". Honestly.... even I know, being a 16-year-old, that you NEVER do that to your spouse. Whacko or not. Time to grow up people and take your head out of the kitty litter.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Daily Post

Heya Heya! Still testing so it's been pretty boring. But anyways here's a picture of my loving grandma to symbolize my love for her. Get well soon grandma! Love you!

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Daily Post

Hello everyone! State testing is going on this week and it's quite hectic. But the good thing is is that we don't have to stay the whole day, we only have to stay for 4 hours for testing and then we can go home! So that's the good side of it....

Sunday, April 26, 2009

My Work So Far

The work that I've done so far on the Lady Gaga picture. It's absolutely not done yet but I'm working on it. ;))
Picture of the day yall. Doesn't Lady Gaga look like she's naked??? Or is it just me??

Friday, April 24, 2009

Daily Post

Hey peoples... boring day as usual. Here's a picture of the day for you. Hope you enjoy it. We all need a little Disney in our lives, right??????????

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Daily Post

Ready for a good night sleep. Just had to finish a bit of homework up though before I went to bed or would be S.O.L.. Anyway it's been a boring day as usual. You know, I'm actually looking for a day now that has something interesting in it. Wonder if it will happen?????? Lol!

Monday, April 20, 2009

Daily Post

Hello everybody! Picture of the day here. Pretty awesome I'd say. Lol! If you didn't catch what it is which you probably did though, it's my shoe. Love these shoes! Anyway, very busy and boring day. Our school is getting ready for STAR testing. Yay........ Anyway, I just want the school year to be over with because of all the drama that was with it. Which is why I'm writing that story, but still I just want things to be over with for the year and summer to come! That means birthday time for me! :)) I just want to move on and finally have a decent summer this year. But thankfully, I know it'll be better because all those guys that I went out with will graduate and I'm glad they're getting out-a-here. Lol! Fresh start for next year and hopefully better luck. Just lookin on the bright side ;))


Saturday, April 18, 2009

Penny's Weird Day Video

This is the second video of mine that we made. Enjoy! :))

My New Little Video!

This is a video that me and my brother did in 2007 but it's still really cute and funny! Hopefully I'll get to do another one soon because filming it was really great fun! I hope you enjoy! :))

Daily Post

Good day to you all! New on Twitter, so if you just came from there welcome to my blog! :)) It's a bit warm today in Northern California. It's around 83 degrees today! And it's only 10:05 AM! Crazy stuff! Anyway might make a post later so till then try running outside instead of sitting at your computer eating cookies. Just kidding you don't have to do that, you wouldn't be the only one doing that. Lol!!!

Friday, April 17, 2009

Another Daily Post

My bro got a blog now. Welcome... to the... blogging family... lil'... bro! Mwhahahaha!!! Just kidding. Love ya bro ;) <3

Creepy picture though....