Looking back, that is one of the most boring stories of my experiences at Walmart. I know that if I were just your typical customer, I would've been a little freaked out, but as a cashier, that was my first experience at the register.
On my first night working at Walmart, I was asked where the condoms were, and of course my response was, "next to the tampons, sir". There had also been another another time where someone asked me where the condoms were, although it was a creepier experience. I was with a male associate just chatting while he and I stocked the shelves, and I had seen a guy walk by several times.
He acted like he wanted to ask a question. He looked at my associate several times as he kept walking by. A few seconds later he came up to me instead of my associate he had been eyeing at, and asked where the condoms were. I didn't catch what he said, but didn't need to hear him because my coworker interrupted and showed him where they were.
Thankfully my coworker knew that this guy was a psycho so he took him off my hands for me. So it was good to have a fellow coworker look out for me.
Of course that experience happened when I used to stock the shelves, which was never a super tense situation as a cashiering job is.
One of the last times I stocked, I was labeling some overstock items and I happened to be in front of the electronics department. There was a lady holding a huge thirst buster thermos, and was searching in the window curtain aisle.
"Excuse me, ma'am?" she said to me while she was across the aisle. "Are these the only curtains you guys carry?"
I got up and went over to where she was. "Yes, I believe everything on the wall is what we have," I said politely.
"Are you serious? Wow......, that's really disappointing. Well, thank you anyways," she said with a snooty attitude.
I shook it off and didn't think much of it and continued with my work. She eventually ended up walking her upside-down pear hips over to electronics.
She started looking at movies and eventually went over to one of the more experienced guys working over there at that moment and asked about a particular movie. I couldn't really hear exactly what she was asking for but I did hear her ask if they could call the surrounding areas Walmart's if they had this particular item she was asking for. I heard him say, "yeah, hold on," and walk over to the phone on the electronics desk.
The lady then walks over to him at the desk and they exchanged a few words and all of a sudden I hear voices getting louder.
"Watch your language, ma'am!" the guy said to her.
"I'm just showing my frustration!"
"Okay, well you can show your frustration buy you don't need to curse at me!"
"I'm not cursing at you, sir!" she said to him as she continued to cuss.
"Okay, I'm done trying to talk to you. There are 38,000 different titles we hold and we're not supposed to memorize every single one," the guy explained to her.
"Well you should know!"
The guy threw his arms up in the air and said,"have a good day ma'am," and went back to what he was doing.
"Ya whatever, you too!" she said stomping down my aisle. She walked down a little bit and turned back around and came towards me and said, "Ma'am, could you put this back for me, seeing that you're working this department?"
"Of course," I said politely.
She started walking down the aisle again but quickly turned around again.
"Ma'am, how do I get out of here? Because they have that other aisle blocked off."
I had remembered that maintenance was waxing the floors on one of the major aisles near my department. But I did ask myself, how did you get here in the first place bitch? They've been waxing the floors all night.
"Walk all the way down to pharmacy and turn right," I replied pointing.
She thanked me and left, thank god. I eventually found out that she was with a group of men who were drunk, so they got kicked out as well as the lady.
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