Okay, so today in my video production class, we had a group of five people and three of the five people are pretty much somewhat normal people to me. The other two however, are weird. One of the guys looks eerily similar to a guy that I went to school with. Totally disgusting, has a pig nose, nerdy glasses, walks like a hunchback, and smells of urine. The other guy wears all sweats, stands around and does absolutely nothing whatsoever to help. The only thing he does is wander off down the hallway and he acts like he's stoned out of his freaking mind.
I really wanted to ask him if he was high. He kept asking me if we were going to have to fight over one computer in our group to edit the footage the we had filmed. I looked at him funny and thought to myself, "Really? There are 30 to 35 computers in the classroom and about 25 students enrolled in the class. And the teacher clearly told us several times throughout the class time and every single time we had class that we would individually be editing, that we together as a group, filmed."
Just another adventure in college I guess. You always see something new, and old I suppose. I occasionally see one of my old classmates from last semester. Like the smoker lady; she could be nice but whined like a little baby when she didn't understand something and would complain to the teacher. Mind you, this lady is like in her 50's. She would constantly run to the bathroom and her tits sagged to the floor. Excuse my French. But it was true. I think half the time she was really going on a smoke break because she would come back smelling like cigarettes.
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